The isi distribution analysis uses the following files: Example files of spike data to be fit: mnar4u2_spikes.mat - narrow spiking unit mnar18u1_spikes.mat - broad spiking unit mbbag40u2_spikes.mat - broad spiking unit mbag15u1_spikes.mat - narrow spiking unit fit_isi.m -- main file that fits single and dual exponential models (with gaussian refractory period -- similar to using sigmoidal recovery function where sigmoid is the integral of a gaussian). this routine will produce a plot of the fits to ISI distribution. NOTE: this fitting procedure can be relatively slow, and therefore, once you figure out how to get it to work for one neuron, you may wish to run it in batch mode over night in order to do several neurons. To use the code in the ISI analysis: In matlab: > load mnar4u2_spikes; > info = fit_isi(mnar4u2_spikes,2,1); See comments in fit_isi.m for more details of data format and options. Email Jude at if you have trouble using code, and be sure to have informative e-mail title since I delete tons of spam each day. Jude