Cognitive Science 14, Summer 2001
Design and Statistical Analysis of Experiments.
Lectures: MTuWTh 8:00-9:20am Peterson 102
Office Hours: Fri 8:00-10:00am Cogsci 272
Instructor: Jude Mitchell,
Text: Beginning Statistics, Schaum's Outlines, by Larry J Stephens
This course covers the intro statistics, random variables, experimental
design, and analysis. We will use the Stephen's book Beginning Statistics.
Lectures will follow the book, but not exactly. Homework problems will
be distributed in class to start each week. They will be home-made problems,
not taken from the book.
- Math Requirements: Prerequisite for this course is an intro
calculus course.
- Computers: All you will need is a computer with a web browser.
You can use any of the mac labs (UC-201, AP&M B432,Geisel library, etc).
- Lectures: Attendance to lectures is important. I recommend you
attend lecture, and only use the book as a reference.
- Homework: The problems in the quizes and the final exam
will be similar to those in the homework. The homeworks are NOT
GRADED, but are ESSENTIAL to learn the material. You do not have
to hand-in your homeworks - however, if you do hand-in the homework,
and it shows that you have made an effort for each problem, then I
will staple the solutions to your homework and hand it back to you.
a big reward in doing the homeworks. Homeworks problems that are
relevent to each lecture are listed in the class schedule. Try to
work the problems after each lecture, and turn them in the next day.
- Office Hours: Office hours will only be on Friday. Come to
ask questions, review material, or turn in homeworks for solutions.
Since there is no TA, this is the only time for review before tests.
- Exams: There will be three small quizes and one final exam.
Of the three quizes, only the two best will count towards your grade.
Thus you may miss be one of the three if you like. The quizes will
occur on Mondays. Each will take about 30 minutes and be very similar
to homework problems or examples in lecture from the previous week.
You will be allowed to have a single sheet of paper (8x11, one side)
of notes in each quiz. The final will cover all material in the
course, and be more challenging. You may bring four sheets of notes
to the final. The schedule of exams is:
- Quiz 1 : 8/13/2001 8:00-8:30am Peterson 102
- Quiz 2 : 8/20/2001 8:00-8:30am Peterson 102
- Quiz 3 : 8/27/2001 8:00-8:30am Peterson 102
- Final Exam: 9/07/2001 8:00-11:00am Peterson 102
- Grades: Your grade will be calculated from one of two policies:
1) 60% for the best two quizes (30% each) and 40% for the Final, or
2) 100% Final. Whichever policy gives you a higher grade will be applied.
Grades will be based on the following table:
F, 40-55
D, 55-65
C, 65-85
B, 85-100
The final will be a more challenging than the quizes ... don't let
it ride on the final!
The target distribution of grades is 25%As, 35% Bs, 30 %
Cs, 10 % D/Fs. If the actual distribution at the end of the quarter is
worse than this then the grade boundaries will be lowered to help students.
The boundaries will never be raised ... if everyone gets above 85%, then
everyone gets an A :-)
Cognitive Science 14, Summer 2001
Class Schedule and Topics

Juan Miguel
Sat Aug 4 13:37:25 PDT 2001