(A) visual stimulation
(B) auditory stimulation |
During the visual stimulation the
monkey was required to fixate a
target (a red dot) that was positioned either in the center of the
screen or 10 degrees to the left or to the right of it. The mapping
range was divided into a vitual square grid of 36 patches, each beeing
10 by 10 degrees wide. The visual stimulus consisted of a white bar
moving into the preferred visual motion direction of the respective
neuron. This stimulus was positioned in a randomised order at the 36
patches (see movie above). Receptive field maps were constructed in an
offline analysis by averaging the number of spikes evoked by the
stimulation of a given grid patch.
For the auditory receptive field mapping we had previously determined the head related transfer function (HRTF) of the individual monkeys. This allowed us to compute a stimulus catalogue of auditory stimuli, which (if presented over calibrated earphones as indicated in the movie) would simulate free field stimuli arising from different directions of the monkey's extrapersonal space. We chose to simulate auditory stimulation from the same directions as in the visual mapping paradigm described on the left. This allowed us to compute auditory receptive fields in the same mapping range and manner as for the visual domain. |