function info = rate_fano_psth(data,interval,showplot) %********* JUDE MITCHELL ( 5/18/2008 %******** function info = rate_fano_psth(data,interval,showplot) %********** % one example: % info = rate_fano_psth('mnar4_u2',[],1); %uses default % % interval % % load 'msiv3_u8'; % info = rate_fano_psth(data,data.sustained,1) % % load 'mnar4_u2'; % info = rate_fano_psth(data,data.sustained,1); % % load 'msir27_u3'; % info = rate_fano_psth(data,data.morepause,1); % %***** general: computes smoothed firing rate and the Fano factor %***** at several different smooth windows and count intervals %***** and plots those results %** inputs: %********** data - all relevent data fields for a neuron %****** %****** data.label(nChannels) = {'SU1' ; 'MU1'; 'LFP1'; 'EYE1'}; %****** data.trials{ntrials} = [[Su1 data 1:T];[Mu1 data from 1:T];...]; %****** data.spontaneous{ntrials} = [Su1 data 1:250ms]; %spike data only, %****** % data from interval when fixation first occurs %****** % and before the stimuli first onset %****** data.time{ntrials} = [1:T] %****** data.attend(ntrials) = 1 if attended in RF, 2 is 2 of 4 unatt, 3 is %****** for the 1 of 4 unattended case %****** data.exactspikes{ntrials} = exact single unit spike times per %****** per trial to 0.025 ms precision %****** data.fsample = 1000; %****** data.sustained = XA:XB % to mark the 800 ms sustained period %****** data.morepause = -250 to +250 after 1000ms pause, 1500 ms %****** data.pause = exact period of 1000ms pause %****** data.surround = -950 to -450 ms before pause, stimuli are outside %****** the RF (period of non-visual response?) %****** data.waveform = [1:32]; %****** data.isolation = 1 - well isolated single unit, %****** 2 - clear cluster but some overlap %****** 3 - multi-unit, large overlap %****** 4 - well isolated, but lost midway in session %****** %********** interval - interval of specific analysis, 1xN array of timepoints %********** - use data from this interval to evaluate %********** significant differences in rate and in Fano %********** showplot - to plot out results % %******* input: %****** %****** data.label(nChannels) = {'SU1' ; 'MU1'; 'LFP1'; 'EYE1'}; %****** data.trials{ntrials} = [[Su1 data 1:T];[Mu1 data from 1:T];...]; %****** data.time{ntrials} = [1:T] %****** data.attend(ntrials) = 1 if attended in RF %****** data.fsample = 1000; %****** data.sustained = XA:XB % to mark the 800 ms sustained period %****** data.waveform = [1:32]; %***** %****** interval - interval of analysis, 1xN array of timepoints %****** showplot - set this to 1 to see the results plotted out %***** %****** output: %****** info.cintervals = [1 x N] array of counting intervals %****** info.cinfo{1xN} = detailed fano and rate info (see below) %****** info.cfano(C,N) = mean fano as function on interval each %****** for each of the C attention conditions %****** info.sfano(C,N) = same as cfano, but sem of the mean %****** %****** cinfo: %***** C - the number of attention conditions %***** cinfo.timebin{1xC} - time midpoints of counting intervals %***** cinfo.smorate{1xC} - gaussian smooth firing rate %***** cinfo.ratebin{1xC} - mean spike counts in bins %***** cinfo.varbin{1xC} - variance spike counts in bins %***** cinfo.fanobin{1xC} - fano factor, NaN if no spikes in a bin %***** %***** cinfo.crange - count windows falling in interval of analysis %***** cinfo.meanfano(C) - mean fano over range of analysis %***** cinfo.semfano(C) - sem of fano over range of analysis %***** %***** cinfo.airate - AI of rate mod (A-U)/(A+U) %***** cinfo.ratepval - significance cond 1 vs 2 in firing rate diff %***** cinfo.aifano - AI of fano mod %***** cinfo.fanopval - significance cond 1 vs 2 in fano factor diff %************ %****** recap: %******** %******** function info = rate_fano_psth(data,interval,showplot) %********** % one example: % info = rate_fano_psth('mnar4_u2',[],1); %uses default % % interval % % load 'msiv3_u8'; % info = rate_fano_psth(data,data.sustained,1) info = []; %******* if data is just a name, load that file, else it is structure if (isfield(data,'label') == 0) disp(sprintf('Trying to load data file %s',data)); load(sprintf('exportdata\\%s',data)); disp(sprintf('Using default sustained interval for analysis')); interval = data.sustained; %must use default interval then end %*********** locate su1 it_su = -1; for zz = 1:size(data.label,2) if (strcmp(data.label{zz},'SU1')) it_su = zz; end end if (it_su == -1) disp(sprintf('Unable to identify SU1')); info = []; return; end %********* get the single unit spikes for attended and unattended trials CNUM = max(data.attend); % 2 or 3 conditions, or more? % condition 1 is attended in RF during 2 of 4 track % condition 2 is unattended in RF during 2 of 4 % condition 3 is unattended in RF during 1 of 4 spikes = cell(1,CNUM); % single unit attended spikes (in sustatined period sponts = cell(1,CNUM); % single unit spontaneous before trial for trial = 1:size(data.trials,2) cubo = data.attend(trial); spikes{cubo} = [spikes{cubo} ; data.trials{trial}(it_su,:)]; sponts{cubo} = [sponts{cubo} ; data.spontaneous{trial}(1,:)]; end %***************************************************************** spiker = spikes; sponter = sponts; %**************************** cintervals ************************* info.cintervals = [12,17,25,35,50,71,100,141,200,283,400]; choiceint = 7; % select one countining to plot, default 100ms for k = 1:size(info.cintervals,2) info.cinfo{k} = compute_rate_fano(spikes,interval,info.cintervals(k)); for kk = 1:size(info.cinfo{k}.meanfano,2) info.cfano(kk,k) = info.cinfo{k}.meanfano(kk); info.sfano(kk,k) = info.cinfo{k}.semfano(kk); end end %****************************************************************** %************ plot the spike rasters and mean firing rates, and fano if (showplot == 1) %**************** if (1) % zoom in period of stim in RF %if you had to pick a spontaneous period, data.surround might work %********* since stimuli are outside the RF during this interval xstart = data.surround(1); xend = 3100; else xstart = 1; %show total period from fixation to final saccade xend = size(spiker{1,1},2); end %**************** divo = size(sponter{1,1},2)/(size(sponter{1,1},2)+(xend-xstart)); twid = 0.67; awid = divo * twid; bwid = (1-divo) * twid; %**************** disp('Plotting rastergrams (slow) ...'); subplot('position',[0.2 0.55 awid 0.4]); make_nice_spike_raster(sponter,1,size(sponter{1},2)); V = axis; axis([0 size(sponter{1},2) V(3) V(4)]); grid on; ylabel('Trial Number'); title('Spontaneous'); %************************** subplot('position',[(0.3+awid) 0.55 bwid 0.4]); make_nice_spike_raster(spiker,xstart,xend); V = axis; axis([xstart xend V(3) V(4)]); grid on; ylabel('Trial Number'); title(sprintf('Unit %s rasters',; %************* subplot('position',[(0.3+awid) 0.35 bwid 0.15]); smooth_window = 25; % give sigma of 12.5ms make_nice_mean_raster(spiker,smooth_window,xstart,xend); axis tight; V = axis; maxo = V(4); axis([xstart xend V(3) V(4)]); plot([interval(1),interval(1)],[V(3),V(4)],'k-'); hold on; plot([interval(end),interval(end)],[V(3),V(4)],'k-'); hold on; %**** indicate pause period yellow lines H = plot([data.pause(1),data.pause(1)],[V(3),V(4)],'y-'); hold on; set(H,'Linewidth',2); set(H,'Color',[0.7,0.5,0]); H = plot([data.pause(end),data.pause(end)],[V(3),V(4)],'y-'); hold on; set(H,'Linewidth',2); set(H,'Color',[0.7,0.5,0]); %******************************* ylabel('Firing Rate'); xlabel('Time (ms)'); %************** subplot('position',[(0.3+awid) 0.07 bwid 0.2]); col = 'rbg'; y = find( (info.cinfo{choiceint}.timebin{1} >= xstart) & ... (info.cinfo{choiceint}.timebin{1} <= xend ) ); for k = 1:size(spikes,2) plot(info.cinfo{choiceint}.timebin{k}(y),info.cinfo{choiceint}.fanobin{k}(y),... [col(k),'o-']); hold on; end plot(info.cinfo{choiceint}.timebin{1},... ones(size(info.cinfo{choiceint}.timebin{1})),'k:'); axis tight; V = axis; axis([xstart xend V(3) V(4)]); plot([interval(1),interval(1)],[V(3),V(4)],'k-'); hold on; plot([interval(end),interval(end)],[V(3),V(4)],'k-'); hold on; %**** indicate pause period yellow lines H = plot([data.pause(1),data.pause(1)],[V(3),V(4)],'y-'); hold on; set(H,'Linewidth',2); set(H,'Color',[0.7,0.5,0]); H = plot([data.pause(end),data.pause(end)],[V(3),V(4)],'y-'); hold on; set(H,'Linewidth',2); set(H,'Color',[0.7,0.5,0]); %******************************* xlabel(sprintf('Time (%d ms intervals)',info.cintervals(choiceint))); ylabel('Fano Factor'); %************* subplot('position',[0.2 0.35 awid 0.15]); smooth_window = 25; % give sigma of 12.5ms make_nice_mean_raster(sponter,smooth_window,1,size(sponter{1},2)); V = axis; axis([0 size(sponter{1},2) 0 maxo]); ylabel('Spontaneous Rate'); xlabel('Time (ms)'); %************** plot fanos by counting intervals ************** subplot('position',[0.07 0.07 (0.3+awid-0.15) 0.2]); col = 'rbg'; for kk = 1:size(info.cinfo{k}.meanfano,2) H = semilogx(info.cintervals,info.cfano(kk,:),[col(kk),'.-']); hold on; set(H,'Linewidth',2); H = semilogx(info.cintervals,(info.cfano(kk,:) + info.sfano(kk,:)),... [col(kk),':']); set(H,'Linewidth',1); H = semilogx(info.cintervals,(info.cfano(kk,:) - info.sfano(kk,:)),... [col(kk),':']); set(H,'Linewidth',1); end semilogx(info.cintervals,ones(size(info.cintervals))); axis tight; V = axis; axis([ (0.75*info.cintervals(1)) (1.5*info.cintervals(end)) V(3) V(4)]); semilogx([info.cintervals(choiceint),info.cintervals(choiceint)],... [V(3),V(4)],'k--'); xlabel('Log Count Interval'); ylabel('Fano Factor'); end return; function info = compute_rate_fano(spmat,interval,cwindow) %************* %****** info = compute_rate_fano(spmat,interval,cwindow) %*** inputs: %****** spmat - cell matrix {1xC} with spike matrices for each attention %****** condition, condition 1 - attended in 2 of 4 tracking %****** condition 2 - unattended in 2 of 4 %****** condition 3 - unattended in 1 of 4 %****** interval - the desired interval of analysis to do significance %****** testing for the rate and fano difference cond 1 vs 2 %****** cwindow - the size of the counting window %****** %***** outputs: %***** info.timebin{1xC} - time midpoints of counting intervals %***** info.smorate{1xC} - gaussian smooth firing rate %***** info.ratebin{1xC} - mean spike counts in bins %***** info.varbin{1xC} - variance spike counts in bins %***** info.fanobin{1xC} - fano factor, NaN if no spikes in a bin %***** %***** info.crange - count windows falling in interval of analysis %***** info.meanfano(C) - mean fano over range of analysis %***** info.semfano(C) - sem of fano over range of analysis %***** %***** info.airate - AI of rate mod (A-U)/(A+U) %***** info.ratepval - significance cond 1 vs 2 in firing rate diff %***** info.aifano - AI of fano mod %***** info.fanopval - significance cond 1 vs 2 in fano factor diff C = size(spmat,2); % number of attention conditions info = []; %*************** compute time bins for counting windows ********** timbin = []; %align first counting windows so one begins perfectly on interval of %***** the analysis specified in input tt = interval(1); dt = max(1,floor( tt - (cwindow * floor( tt/cwindow )) )); bsize = floor( (size(spmat{1,1},2)-dt) / cwindow); % number of time bins begints = []; endints = []; midints = []; ik = 1; while (1) base = (ik-1)*cwindow + dt; baso = base + cwindow; if (baso > size(spmat{1,1},2) ) break; else ik = ik + 1; end midints = [midints (0.5*(base+baso))]; begints = [begints base]; endints = [endints baso]; end %******************************************************************* %********* store all spike counts in array for later use in Monte-Carlo %********* shuffling to estimate significance of Fano change ******* trialpercond = size(spmat{1,1},1); %should be identical # trials per cond trialtotal = C * trialpercond; cints = size(begints,2); storage = zeros(trialtotal,cints); %********* for each attention condition, compute rate, var, and fano in %********* the specified sized count windows (cwindow) parameter for k = 1:C % for attention condition startrial = (k-1)*trialpercond; numtrials(k) = size(spmat{1,k},1); rstatbin = []; %mean and variance per counting interval for ik = 1:size(begints,2) % for each counting interval %***************** base = begints(ik); baso = endints(ik); %**** get spike counts of intervals for jk = 1:numtrials(k) tval = sum(sum( spmat{1,k}(jk,base:baso) )); % raw spike counts storage( ((k-1)*trialpercond) + jk , ik ) = tval; end %******* compute mean and variance of counts rstatbin(1,ik) = mean( storage((startrial+1):(startrial+numtrials(k)),ik) ); rstatbin(2,ik) = var( storage((startrial+1):(startrial+numtrials(k)),ik) ); if (rstatbin(1,ik) > 0) rstatbin(3,ik) = (rstatbin(2,ik) / rstatbin(1,ik)); % Fano Factor else rstatbin(3,ik) = NaN; % if no spike counts, Fano not defined end end %************* store results per attention condition C******** info.timebin{k} = midints; % time centers of count intervals in ms info.smorate{k} = gauss_smooth(mean( spmat{1,k}),cwindow)*1000; %smoothed rate info.ratebin{k} = rstatbin(1,:); info.varbin{k} = rstatbin(2,:); info.fanobin{k} = rstatbin(3,:); end %******* run Monte-Carlo to randomly permute trials between attention %******** conditions to assess the significance of the Fano Factor effects crange = find( (midints > interval(1)) & (midints < interval(end)) ); info.crange = crange; %***************** atto = nanmean( info.fanobin{1}(crange) ); utto = nanmean( info.fanobin{2}(crange) ); aival = (atto-utto)/(atto + utto); % AI value of Fano change in desired % interval of analysis %******************************************* disp(sprintf('Computing Monte-Carlo Its on Counting Interval %d',cwindow)); %********** XA = 1:numtrials(1); XB = (numtrials(1)+1):(numtrials(1)+numtrials(2)); N = 10000; aivals = zeros(1,N); for ii = 1:N %*************** ax = randperm( (numtrials(1)+numtrials(2)) ); XXA = ax(XA); % randomly assign trials as attended cond 1 XXB = ax(XB); % randomly assign trials as unattended cond 2 %************* compute ai value of mean fano for random assign amen = mean( storage(XXA,crange) ); avar = var( storage(XXA,crange) ); y = find( amen > 0); ffa = avar(y) ./ amen(y); % all non-NAN (var/mean) ratios %********************* umen = mean( storage(XXB,crange) ); uvar = var( storage(XXB,crange) ); y = find( umen > 0); ffu = uvar(y) ./ umen(y); %********************* aa = mean(ffa); uu = mean(ffu); aivals(ii) = (aa-uu) / (aa+uu); end y = find( abs(aivals) >= abs(aival)); % fraction of values > observed %************************** info.aifano = aival; info.pfanoval = (size(y,2)/N); %********* significant effect of firing rate in analysis window? %***** compare 1st and 2nd conditions, attended and unattended 2 of 4 attrate = (mean(spmat{1,1}(:,interval)'))'; uttrate = (mean(spmat{1,2}(:,interval)'))'; %***************************************** aa = mean(attrate); uu = mean(uttrate); info.airate = (aa-uu) / (aa + uu); info.prateval = ranksum(attrate,uttrate); %simple ranksum over trials (rate significance) %******************************************* %*************************** for k = 1:C info.meanfano(k) = nanmean( info.fanobin{k}(crange) ); info.semfano(k) = nanstd( info.fanobin{k}(crange) )/sqrt(size(crange,2)); end disp(sprintf('CountWin %d, AI rate %5.3f(p=%6.4f), AI fano %5.3f(p=%6.4f)',... cwindow,info.airate,info.prateval,info.aifano,info.pfanoval)); return; %************** below here are some boring graphics routines to plot things %****************** function to make a nice raster plot **************** function maxo = make_nice_mean_raster(spmat,smooth_window,xstart,xend) %*********** spmat1 and spmat2 are spike matrices of two conditions you wish to compare %*********** smooth_window ... gaussian smoothing in millisecs numconds = size(spmat,2); if (numconds==2) colo = [[1,0,0];[0,0,1]]; else colo = [[1,0,0];[0,0,1];[0,1,0];[1,1,0]]; end maxo = 0; for k = 1:numconds spud = spmat{1,k}; numtrials(k) = size(spud,1); smorate = gauss_smooth(sum( spud(1:numtrials(k),xstart:xend))/.... numtrials(k),smooth_window)*1000; H = plot(xstart:xend,smorate,'k-'); hold on; set(H,'Color',colo(k,:)); if (max(smorate) > maxo) maxo = max(smorate); end end return; %******************* make a rastergram of the actual spikes on each trial function make_nice_spike_raster(spmat,xstart,xend) col = 'rbg'; colo = [[1,1,1];[0.5,0,0];[0,0,0.5];[0,0.5,0]]; colormap(colo); totspike = []; for cubo = 1:size(spmat,2) totspike = [totspike; (cubo*spmat{1,cubo}(:,xstart:xend)) ]; totspike = [totspike; zeros(2,size(totspike,2))]; end totspike = totspike + 1; imagesc(xstart:xend,(0:(size(totspike,1))+1),totspike); hold on; %************* it = 0.5; for cubo = 1:size(spmat,2) plot([xstart,xend],[it,it],[col(cubo),'-']); it = it + 1 + size(spmat{1,cubo},1); plot([xstart,xend],[it,it],[col(cubo),'-']); it = it + 1; end return; %************************************************************** function output = gauss_smooth(input, window) % Smoothing function: % output = smooth(input, window) % "Window" is the total kernel width. % Input array must be one-dimensional. input_dims = ndims(input); input_size = size(input); if input_dims > 2 | min(input_size) > 1, disp('Input array is too large.'); return end if input_size(2) > input_size(1), input = input'; toggle_dims = 1; else toggle_dims = 0; end if window/2 ~= round(window/2), window = window + 1; end halfwin = window/2; input_length = length(input); %********* gauss window +/- 1 sigma x = -halfwin:1:halfwin; kernel = exp(-x.^2/(window/2)^2); kernel = kernel/sum(kernel); padded(halfwin+1:input_length+halfwin) = input; padded(1:halfwin) = ones(halfwin, 1)*input(1); padded(length(padded)+1:length(padded)+halfwin) = ones(halfwin, 1)*input(input_length); output = conv(padded, kernel); output = output(window:input_length+window-1); if toggle_dims == 1, output = output'; end return;